LMI Automation

Masthead Image

Pharmaceutical Bottle Cap Assembly Machine


Machine automatically locates individual pharmaceutical bottles and caps together and then installs the cap onto the bottle to a set placement position within +/- .002”.


Rate: 180 parts / minute, 3 parts / second.

Part Delivery:

Bulk bottles and caps are manually placed in separate automatic hoppers and bowl feeders.
Parts are automatically fed to the assembly machine through vibratory inline feeders.


The assembly machine is a rotary type using a single AC motor to drive the assembly wheels.
Assembly wheels bring cap and bottle together via cam ramps.
Reject station located at discharge point.

HMI / Control:

AB Micro 300 Series Panel View HMI
AB MicroLogix 1200 Controller


Part present sensors at various locations.


Cognex / DVT 515 Camera
100 % Part verification
Go/No Go for correct assembly parameters
Triggers reject station if needed

Utilities Required:

Electrical: 480v, 3 phase, 30 amp disconnect
Air: Minimum 90 psi

LMI Automation is eager to build a custom machine to your specifications.